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Biosil 120 Mini Liquid Caps

Biosil 120 Mini Liquid Caps

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Biosil 120 Mini Liquid Caps

Biosil Liquid Capsules are the best way to grow your glow when you like the convenience of pure ch-OSA liquid in small capsules. These small, transparent capsules are smooth and easy to swallow. Take one of these capsules in the morning & one at night for luminous skin, luscious hair, and seriously strong nails.

  • Biosil’s active ingredient, ch-OSA, increases collagen, keratin, and elastin levels in your body. The result? Less wrinkles, radiant skin, luscious hair, and strong nails. *
  • Biosil increases your collagen levels by activating your collagen production and by protecting existing collagen from degradation.*
  • Years of clinical trials by American and European researchers haven't only studied and tested Biosil. They’ve actually proven that it works.
  • Biosil is clean, vegan, and GMO-free. We keep to the absolute highest European standards.